About Us


Irma Bahr-Madrid
Irma heads up Christian Education which includes Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and Sunday Children's Sermons with lots of props.

Council President
Dan Madrid
As Church Council President, Dan chairs the Council which oversees all Church operations. He also plays a mean trumpet and brews some malty beverages.

Choir Director
Mike Saunders
Our talented choir director leads our small, but mighty, choir with expert musical guidance (and patience)!

Christ Lutheran Church Choir
Our choir sings two anthems a month (sometimes more!), rehearsing on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. New voices are welcome to join!

Altar Guild
Altar Guild Team
The Altar Guild is responsible for the care and upkeep of the altar and paraments, sets up for communion, handles flower donations and decorates the Church for the Easter, Autumn, and Christmas seasons.

Publications, Graphics
Ashley Poulin
Ashley is a multi talented artist, graphic designer, Church E-Newsletter Editor, member of the CLC Choir, Altar guild and Church Council.

Digital Services
Kerry Donovan
Our digital marketing specialist, web manager and orchardist who is responsible for all the wires, cameras and computer gear that puts Christ Lutheran online.

ELCA Bishop
Paul Egensteiner
The Rev. Paul T. Egensteiner is bishop of the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), & volunteers for Christ Lutheran's Baby Steps Baby Pantry.